FREE Business Advisory Guide
To help you get to know Premier Data Systems better, I’d like to send you our FREE Business Advisory Guide titled “What Every Business Owner Must Know About Hiring An Honest, Competent Responsive, And Fairly-Priced Computer Consultant.” This free guide will arm you with 21 revealing questions you should ask any computer consultant before giving them access to your company’s network, as well as:
- The “dirty little secret” of the computer repair industry that most people don’t know and will NEVER be told by their current IT guy (knowing this alone could save you from wasting tons of money and untold aggravation when outsourcing your computer support)
- How to spot an unethical or grossly incompetent computer repair/support technician in minutes
- Four costly misconceptions business owners have about computer maintenance and repair; one of which you will need to know BEFORE you talk to anyone on the phone
- The BEST way to protect your computer network from viruses, spyware, hackers, downtime, slowness, crashes, data loss, and other expensive computer problems
- Five mistakes to avoid when choosing a computer consultant
Even if you aren’t ready to outsource your IT support or make a change from who you are using now, this report will give you all the right information and questions to ask when the time comes. And if you have a sneaking suspicion that your current IT person is not delivering the level of service and support you need, it will quickly help you determine if your suspicions are correct – AND what you can do about it.