Windows Server now includes virtualization

Virtualization is becoming so popular that businesses are finally seeing the technology being packaged with the solutions they already know and love. The Windows operating system is a great example of a solution that grants you access to features like containers and software-defined storage. A brief history of Windows Server The Windows Server operating system […]

Wikileaks’ charges of government spying

Staving off malicious cyber attackers is already a herculean task, so the last thing you need is to feel exposed from a totally new angle. That’s how many felt after Wikileaks’ accusations that the US government was spying on its citizens. However, the truth is a lot different from what the headlines would have you […]

Virtualization giants are pairing up

For companies trying to create employee desktops stored on a server and delivered over the internet, security and optimization often entail a mess of vendors, settings, and updates. Thankfully, two of the biggest names in the industry just announced a partnership that aims to simplify the whole process. For those who don’t know, Azure is […]

Office 365 and G Suite

Google’s G Suite or Microsoft’s Office 365? That’s the question. One that many business owners ask themselves but often put aside because weighing the individual functionality seems like a monumental task! We’re here to help end that indecisiveness, so let’s take a look at what each has to offer. Cost and commitment G Suite offers […]

Skype launches new communication hub

Skype as a desktop communication tool is largely popular with consumers and businesses alike, yet its mobile app leaves much to be desired. Whether it’s the slow VoIP service or limited communication features, there’s definitely a lot of room for improvement. And apparently, Skype has acknowledged these concerns as they’ve recently launched Skype Mingo, a […]

Microsoft secures its Edge browser

Thanks to Microsoft’s latest announcement, cyber-criminals will have a harder time breaking into Windows systems. By dropping the Edge browser into a separate virtual container, workstations put distance between themselves and those who would do them harm under cover of the internet. For business owners interested in getting a taste of virtualization before fully investing […]

Citrix virtualized applications get a boost

Virtualization has taken the IT world by storm, and if you’re not up to speed on exactly what that means, it’s time to change that. The service is no longer a paragon reserved for enterprise-level businesses, and with Microsoft and Citrix’s most recent announcement, it will soon be more accessible than ever. Whether you’re already […]

Schedule meetings with Microsoft FindTime

The art of organizing a meeting is much like chess. Each player has different possible moves, or availabilities; and it’s up to you to strategize which pieces to move where, or which events to schedule (or reschedule) when. The objective is to land on a square wherein all participants can attend, but achieving this goal […]